Message from Earth:

In this period,
when you are focused on your humanity,
please don’t forget I am here

I exist
And I am part of you
And you are part of me
You are never alone
Because I am here
In you
And around you

So when you feel tired, I feel tired
And when I am tired, you will feel tired too

So, please, I invite you,
bring in my voice

I visit you in your dreams
I visit you in your fears
I visit you in your love
I visit you in the food you eat
I visit you in the bumblebee
I visit you in the songs of the birds

Some of you forgot our common language
Some of you are on my side
But don’t hesitate

I’ll always be here
waiting for you
I am not God
I am Earth
Just listen to what I whisper

You can hear it
You can feel it
I know you can
Become quiet

Become quiet

Can you hear me?
Do you hear me?
Don’t answer
I can hear you

Just listen well
And act, act differently
Because I am part of you
And you are part of me
We are one

(Ann Sterckx, EarthWise Education, 19/03/2020)